Good Nutrition
Healthy diets for everyone’s needs
As different as people are, so are their diets. The self-optimisers look for tailor-made products that suit their own particular needs; the health-conscious always have the latest nutritional recommendations in mind; the functionalists scan packaging for health claims. Parents keep trying to slip more whole grain products into their children’s diets. And the growing army of vegetarians and vegans are searching for valuable proteins from plants. Whatever the target group, GoodMills Innovation has versatile solutions for products that combine health and nutrition with taste and sustainability – global mega-trends for convenience, food on-the-go and clean label all satisfied too.

Healthy gut – healthy body
Our comprehensive range of dietary fibres, fibre compounds and innovative whole grain ingredients (that even white bread lovers adore) contributes to a species-rich microbiome and a healthy gut – and therefore to a healthy body. A healthy gut is also the foundation for a strong immune system. Many of our ingredients support good immune health and are rich sources of important trace elements – from zinc and selenium to vitamin E and folic acid, and the cell recycling booster spermidine.
Product Selection
Creating added health value with innovative raw materials
- Innovative Nutrients
- GOOD Bran Range
- GOOD Fibres Multifibre Concentrates
- SNOW® Wholegrain microgranules
- NEW – SNOW® Prebiotic Fibres
- NEW – GoWell Tasty Protein
Need something tailored? We are the partner for individual solutions.