Cost efficient solutions

Good on many levels
For all our customers, we want to create value across the board. Our Good Value solutions save money, that’s undeniable. But they offer extra benefits on top: For your company, your employees’ health, your customers – for savings that make a positive difference.
Lower cost raw materials
Some raw material markets are peppered with price instability and product shortages. With our alternative products for nuts and marzipan, you can rely on consistent prices and availability. And they reduce the allergenic potential of end products – great news for the growing number of nut allergy sufferers. Gecko Ultra seed adhesive keeps decorative seeds attached to baked goods during production and transportation. Thus, it is cost effective, makes end products more appealing – and keeps production areas cleaner. Our TIP-TOP release flours are low in dust, so they keep equipment surfaces cleaner too – but their biggest benefit is the prevention of baker’s asthma. Your employees will breathe a sigh of relief.

our product portfoliio
Discover our products with a good value
We will be pleased to consult you on these and other products.