Experts in refining

For customized success
GoodMills Innovation’s roots lie in classical milling – a traditional craft that over the past few decades has become highly technical. Modern processing methods, sophisticated equipment and advances in knowledge have opened up whole new worlds of possibilities.
Our state-of-the-art facilities utilize the latest physical refining technologies. From one convenient location, we can provide functional ingredients for all requirements. Our long-standing history means we are as tuned in to the needs of the artisan baker as we are to those of the food and baking industries. Although these sectors may be different, the desire for natural and clean label ingredients unites them. We develop tailored solutions for individual demands. That’s how innovation works.
Quality: zero compromise
In everything we produce, we use only the best quality raw materials – continuous availability guaranteed. For certain products, we work with contract farmers who have to follow particularly strict cultivation rules. An example? Our original grain 2ab wheat can only be grown in selected regions of Europe in a traditional way and in different fields to other grain varieties to avoid cross-contamination. Careful controls apply throughout the whole product journey: The wheat is harvested separately, stored on its own and ground in the GoodMills Innovation mills. Of course, it goes without saying that all our products are free from genetically modified raw materials.

Natural and functional
Using original raw materials, GoodMills Innovation develops ingredients for food and bakery products that satisfy the latest consumer demands. Our cutting-edge physical refining technologies turn cereals, legumes and other plant-based raw materials into highly functional ingredients that combine nutritional benefits with outstanding taste. So you can give your customers exactly what they’re looking for.
Research-Develop-Improve: Our experts work constantly to make our ingredients, your products and consumer nutrition in general better and better. We are particularly proud of our new generation plant-based texturates. They are a real milestone in plant nutrition: For meat-free indulgence on the highest level.